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Your doors are open, so what’s next? Stay on top of annual filings and taxes, obtain certifications, and more.

Taxes and Annual Report

Businesses have filing obligations for Federal, Municipal and State-level taxes, as well as a requirement to submit an annual report. Find information on relevant due dates and reporting responsibilities.

Business Preparedness

Simple business tips can make a big difference when learning about managing business expenses, inventory, and running an efficient business.

MWBE, SBE, VOB and Other Certifications

Business certifications can give you certain advantages with some local, state, and federal contracting opportunities, among other benefits. Learn if one of the State's certifications is the right fit for your business.

Manage Employees

Employee engagement and productivity are some of the most important factors to the success of your business. Take steps to grow as a leader and a manager to keep your employees motivated and to reduce your turnover and hiring costs.

Closing Your Business

Closing your New Jersey business requires a few administrative items to complete if you sell, close, or move your business.

COVID-19 Workplace Requirements and Funding

Learn about funding opportunities and how to operate your workplace safely in the era of COVID-19.

Plastic Ban Resources

The law banning plastic bags and polystyrene foam products will impact many businesses across the state. Get prepared by reading the requirements and finding vendors that offer reusable and sustainable alternatives.